Kiaf SEOUL 2024
COEX, Seoul
COEX, Seoul
김호득은 20세기 한국 현대 회화의 정점에 서있는 작가이다. 그는 자연의 순간성과 움직임 그리고 에너지에 주목하는 작업을 선보여왔다.
폭포 시리즈는 자연의 힘과 에너지를 표현하는 그의 대표적인 작업 중 하나로 물의 역동적인 흐름과 폭포의 거대한 에너지를 시각적으로 표현하며, 자연의 웅장함과 자연스러운 흐름을 관객에게 전달한다. 대상의 철저한 분석을 토대로 작가는 직관적으로 경계를 허물고 형상을 간략화하며 강렬한 조형성을 만들어낸다. 그는 필선을 거칠게 긋고 흘리고 뿌리는 방식으로 떨어져 내리는 물의 역동적인 에너지와 섬세한 흐름과 세밀한 물의 잔상을 화면에 담는다. 때때로 그는 문자로써 대상을 이미지화하는데 이 형상 안에는 자연, 문화, 소리, 유머의 코드가 담겨있다.
김호득은 지필묵의 전통적인 재료 외에도 광목, 아크릴 등의 회화적 재료의 벽을 허물고 먹물 수조와 실, 닥 반죽, 한지 구조물 등의 설치로 확장되었다. 그의 설치 작업은 회화의 시각적 요소를 후각과 촉각, 청각 요소를 더하여 경험하는 공간으로 만들었다.
이중섭미술상, 토탈미술상, 김수근문화상 등을 수상한 김호득의 깊고 맑은 검은 빛과 강력하면서도 유연하고 조화로운 필력의 신작을 이번 Kiaf에서 전시한다.
Kim Ho Deuk is a pinnacle artist in 20th-century contemporary ink painting. In the history of modern Korean art, there have been two significant movements in ink painting: the ink abstraction movement centered around the Muklimhoe in the 1960s, and the 1980s ink painting movement that regarded oriental materials as expressive means of contemplation. Kim Ho Deuk emerged as a prominent artist in the 1990s, following these movements, focusing on works that reflect personal subjectivity and exploring the material properties of ink. He has consistently presented works that pay attention to the momentary nature, movement, and energy of nature.
Kim Ho Deuk's waterfall series is one of his most representative works, expressing the power and energy of nature. This series visually depicts the dynamic flow of water and the immense energy of waterfalls, conveying the grandeur of nature and the energy contained within it to the viewers. Based on a thorough analysis of the subject, the artist breaks down boundaries and simplifies forms, creating even more intense plasticity. He meticulously portrays the delicate droplets and flow of waterfalls with rough brushstrokes, splashes, and drips, capturing the dynamism of nature. Often, he incorporates text into his imagery, embedding codes of nature, culture, sound, and humor within these forms.
In addition to traditional materials like paper, brush, and ink, Kim Ho Deuk has expanded his repertoire to include materials such as cotton cloth and acrylics. He has also continuously explored installation art using ink basins, threads, mulberry pulp, and hanji (traditional Korean paper) structures. His installations transform the visual elements of painting into spaces that engage the senses of smell, touch, and hearing.
Having received prestigious awards such as the Lee Jung-seop Art Award, the Total Art Award, and the Kim Swoo-geun Cultural Award, Kim Ho Deuk will present five new paintings at KIAF 2024. We hope you will experience the deep and clear black hues and the harmonious blend of strong yet flexible lines from this master artist who continues to work with unwavering precision even past his seventieth year.
김호득 Kim Ho Deuk (b.1950)
폭포 시리즈는 자연의 힘과 에너지를 표현하는 그의 대표적인 작업 중 하나로 물의 역동적인 흐름과 폭포의 거대한 에너지를 시각적으로 표현하며, 자연의 웅장함과 자연스러운 흐름을 관객에게 전달한다. 대상의 철저한 분석을 토대로 작가는 직관적으로 경계를 허물고 형상을 간략화하며 강렬한 조형성을 만들어낸다. 그는 필선을 거칠게 긋고 흘리고 뿌리는 방식으로 떨어져 내리는 물의 역동적인 에너지와 섬세한 흐름과 세밀한 물의 잔상을 화면에 담는다. 때때로 그는 문자로써 대상을 이미지화하는데 이 형상 안에는 자연, 문화, 소리, 유머의 코드가 담겨있다.
김호득은 지필묵의 전통적인 재료 외에도 광목, 아크릴 등의 회화적 재료의 벽을 허물고 먹물 수조와 실, 닥 반죽, 한지 구조물 등의 설치로 확장되었다. 그의 설치 작업은 회화의 시각적 요소를 후각과 촉각, 청각 요소를 더하여 경험하는 공간으로 만들었다.
이중섭미술상, 토탈미술상, 김수근문화상 등을 수상한 김호득의 깊고 맑은 검은 빛과 강력하면서도 유연하고 조화로운 필력의 신작을 이번 Kiaf에서 전시한다.
Kim Ho Deuk is a pinnacle artist in 20th-century contemporary ink painting. In the history of modern Korean art, there have been two significant movements in ink painting: the ink abstraction movement centered around the Muklimhoe in the 1960s, and the 1980s ink painting movement that regarded oriental materials as expressive means of contemplation. Kim Ho Deuk emerged as a prominent artist in the 1990s, following these movements, focusing on works that reflect personal subjectivity and exploring the material properties of ink. He has consistently presented works that pay attention to the momentary nature, movement, and energy of nature.
Kim Ho Deuk's waterfall series is one of his most representative works, expressing the power and energy of nature. This series visually depicts the dynamic flow of water and the immense energy of waterfalls, conveying the grandeur of nature and the energy contained within it to the viewers. Based on a thorough analysis of the subject, the artist breaks down boundaries and simplifies forms, creating even more intense plasticity. He meticulously portrays the delicate droplets and flow of waterfalls with rough brushstrokes, splashes, and drips, capturing the dynamism of nature. Often, he incorporates text into his imagery, embedding codes of nature, culture, sound, and humor within these forms.
In addition to traditional materials like paper, brush, and ink, Kim Ho Deuk has expanded his repertoire to include materials such as cotton cloth and acrylics. He has also continuously explored installation art using ink basins, threads, mulberry pulp, and hanji (traditional Korean paper) structures. His installations transform the visual elements of painting into spaces that engage the senses of smell, touch, and hearing.
Having received prestigious awards such as the Lee Jung-seop Art Award, the Total Art Award, and the Kim Swoo-geun Cultural Award, Kim Ho Deuk will present five new paintings at KIAF 2024. We hope you will experience the deep and clear black hues and the harmonious blend of strong yet flexible lines from this master artist who continues to work with unwavering precision even past his seventieth year.
김호득 Kim Ho Deuk (b.1950)
김호득(b.1950)은 1986년 관훈미술관 개인전을 시작으로 수묵을 바탕으로 한 다양한 회화적 실험을 40여년간 선보이고 있다. 김호득(학고재, 서울, 2019), 산 산 물 물(갤러리 분도, 대구, 2018), ZIP – 차고, 비고(파라다이스 ZIP, 대구, 2017), 그냥, 문득(김종영 미술관, 서울, 2014) 등에서 개인전을 진행하였다. 그는 김수근문화상 미술상(김수근 문화재단, 서울, 1993), 토탈미술상(토탈미술관, 장흥, 1995), 이중섭미술상(조선일보사, 서울, 2003) 등을 수여 받았다. 국립현대미술관,서울시립미술관, 삼성미술관, 대전시립미술관, 대구미술관, 금호미술관, 일민미술관, 호암미술관 등에 작품이 소장되어 있다. 그는 서울대학교 미술대학 회화과를 졸업하고 동대학원에서 동양화과 석사 학위를 받았다.
Kim Ho Deuk (b.1950) has been presenting various painterly experiments based on ink wash painting for over 40 years, starting with a solo exhibition at the Gwanhun Museum of Art in 1986. He has held solo exhibitions at venues such as Hakgojae (Seoul, 2019), Mountain Water (Gallery
Bundo, Daegu, 2018), ZIP – Garage, BIGO (Paradise ZIP, Daegu, 2017), Just, Suddenly (Kim Jong Young Art Museum, Seoul, 2014). He has received awards including the Kim Swoo Geun Cultural Award in FineArts (Kim Swoo Geun Foundation, Seoul, 1993), the Total Grand Prix (Total Museum, Jangheung, 1995), and the Lee Joong Sup Award (Chosun Ilbo, Seoul, 2003). His works are held in the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul Museum of Art, Samsung Museum of Art, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daegu Art Museum, Kumho Museum of Art, Ilmin Museum of Art, Ho-Am Art Museum, and others. Kim graduated from the Department of Painting at Seoul National University and received a master’s degree inOriental Painting from the graduate school.
Kim Ho Deuk (b.1950) has been presenting various painterly experiments based on ink wash painting for over 40 years, starting with a solo exhibition at the Gwanhun Museum of Art in 1986. He has held solo exhibitions at venues such as Hakgojae (Seoul, 2019), Mountain Water (Gallery
Bundo, Daegu, 2018), ZIP – Garage, BIGO (Paradise ZIP, Daegu, 2017), Just, Suddenly (Kim Jong Young Art Museum, Seoul, 2014). He has received awards including the Kim Swoo Geun Cultural Award in FineArts (Kim Swoo Geun Foundation, Seoul, 1993), the Total Grand Prix (Total Museum, Jangheung, 1995), and the Lee Joong Sup Award (Chosun Ilbo, Seoul, 2003). His works are held in the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul Museum of Art, Samsung Museum of Art, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daegu Art Museum, Kumho Museum of Art, Ilmin Museum of Art, Ho-Am Art Museum, and others. Kim graduated from the Department of Painting at Seoul National University and received a master’s degree inOriental Painting from the graduate school.